I love to read. I have always loved a good book and the older I get, the more I fall in love with the classics. My reading has slowed a little here recently, since I've been studying for college CLEP tests, but I continue to always have a book going. :) (I am currently reading Silas Marner by George Eliot.) Anyways, the point of this post is to give a book suggestion/review of one of my *favorites*. It is not considered a classic, like a Jane Austen novel, but it is certainly a classic to me!
The King Raven Trilogy - Hood, Scarlet, & Tuck
This series is absolutely incredible. The storyline is based on the legend of Robin Hood, but the details of all of our beloved Robin Hood "facts" have been changed. Robin's name is not Robin but instead Bran (Rhi Bran y Hud, to be exact), the story is set in Wales, and there is no Prince John or Richard the Lionhearted. After reading it in this new light, though, despite everything being changed, this is the only way I would want the Robin Hood story to play out. Also, I am absolutely in love with Lawhead's character development. He brilliantly captures the people in his story, and you find yourself in complete adoration of them (even tough-skinned Siarles!)
The first book is written in third person and follows Bran and I'll be honest with you, there is a section, quite a big section, of the book that moves slowly, and the first time reading it you hope that it is soon over, but it really adds to the story later and, after rereading the book a few times, you get a few hidden meanings out of some of the stories. ;)
Interestingly, Lawhead changes the tune for the second book. He writes Scarlet in first person - from Will Scarlet's point of view. The story backs up in time a little bit to allow you to see Will's beginnings and his arrival to Bran's clan. At first his switch in viewpoint really bothered me, but by the end I loved that he changed views! In Hood, Lawhead really dove into developing Bran's character, so it was fascinating to see him through someone else's eyes!
By the third book Lawhead has developed the characters so deeply that he focuses more on the action of the story rather than the actual building of the story. I won't give any details of what happens in Scarlet or Tuck, but just trust me that it is worth reading. The only thing I had a problem with was the Epilogue in Tuck. I'm not entirely sure why I dislike it, but I do. Maybe it's just me.
To sum up, I highly recommend reading this series if you are looking for some great books! If you have read this series let me know what you think of it, or if you have any book suggestions I would love to hear them!
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